Wednesday, May 22, 2013

somewhat completed game stuff

i didn't complete my game but i got close and if i were to redo it i would change the difficulty of the stuff that i attempted to do and i enjoyed this project because it was good for me to work alone and get stuff done in a good amount of time.

Monday, May 20, 2013

weekly goal

i hope to get the enemy's in to the game and but i will not be able to finish the game completely so i will get done what i ca get done  between now and Wednesday

Friday, May 10, 2013


this week i finally finished the making of the guy being usable and i started making objects to put in the level

Monday, May 6, 2013

weekly goals

this week since last week i didnt finish the playablity of my game i will do that and go from there

Thursday, May 2, 2013

weekly reflection

i didn't complete my goal because unity is gay and is really hard to work with cause of the character controller

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

weekly goal

this week i will get my first person character part of the video game and hopefully the enemy if possible.

Friday, April 12, 2013

break down

1. During April 15-26 i will make and finish the environment that the guy and enemy will be on
2. On the 27-30 of April i will do most of the lighting and texturing for the scene in Maya
3.On march 1-10 i will import the environment and all of that stuff in to unity and add any extra lighting to the scene if needed.
4.march 10-15 i will start the process of making the game playable.
5.Then march16-18 do all the finishing touches and then i am done

art analisis


  1. a futuristic place on floating platform supported by fire spouts and is over a floating abyss. The character is dressed in a space suit kind of thing
  2. the artist is trying to say that there is a sense of warmth in the  fire over the abyss that creates a death thing
  3. he had an idea of not falling off the edge and he just decided to make the scene.
  4. It makes me feel bad and stuff I guess
  5. It was created that way cause the guy wanted it that way
  6. It dosent cause it is just a video game so ya
  7. Idont know that question cause it doesn’t apply to this
  8. I am going to do something similar to it but not the same